Hardware Development

The EN 50129 standard requires that all safety-related be assigned a Safety Integrity Level (SIL) ranging from 1 to 4 (also basic integrity). The standard defines the required SIL-compliant hardware development activities and the mandatory and recommended requirements for the evidence of these activities.

We provide hardware design, system requirements determination, and conceptual and architectural design and support services for safety related electronic systems in accordance with EN 50129 standards.

What are we doing?

Safety Related Hardware Development

Hardware development should be carried out according to the techniques and methods specified in EN 50129:2018 and it should be ensured that it meets the safety requirements. These activities need to be planned and executed according to the life cycle.

Creating Specifications

Depending on the SIL level, hardware and safety requirements should be established according to the techniques and methods specified in EN 50129. Requirements management should be applied for these requirements and traceability should be ensured.


The concept, architecture and final design are created with the requirements determined according to EN 50129.